Erhöhte Betriebskostenzuschüsse

Was ist der Zweck des Zuschusses?

As part of Budget 2024, the Government agreed a package of €257 million for the Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant as a vital measure for small and medium businesses. Local Authorities funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE), will manage the rollout of the grant to qualifying businesses.

The grant is available to qualifying businesses as a contribution towards the rising costs faced by businesses.  This is not a rates waiver; rates must continue to be paid to your Local Authority.

Wie hoch ist der Zuschuss?

The grant amount depends on the value of the Commercial Rates bill received by an eligible business in 2023.

- Für qualifizierte Unternehmen mit einer Gewerbetarifrechnung 2023 von < 10,000 € wird der ICOB-Zuschuss in Höhe von 50 % der Gewerbetarifrechnung des Unternehmens für 2023 gezahlt.

- Für qualifizierte Unternehmen mit einer Commercial-Rate-Rechnung 2023 zwischen 10,000 und 30,000 € beträgt der ICOB-Zuschuss 5,000 €.

- Unternehmen mit einer Gewerbetarifrechnung 2023 von mehr als 30,000 € haben keinen Anspruch auf einen ICOB-Zuschuss.

Who can register for the Grant?

Your business must be a commercially trading business currently operating from a property that is commercially rateable and in receipt of a Rates Bill in 2024.

The Local Authority will write to businesses with further information and guidance on how to register for the grant.

How do I qualify to receive the grant?

 To qualify for the grant, you need to meet the following criteria:

  1. Commercial Rates Bill: Your business must have received a Commercial Rates Bill equal to or less than €30,000 .
  2. Commercially Trading Business: Your business must currently operate from a property that is commercially rateable. Businesses failing to meet this criteria will be excluded.
  3. Ausschlüsse: Public institutions and financial institutions do not qualify (with exceptions for Credit Unions and specific post office services, excluding Company Post Offices).
  4. Trading Duration: Your business must have been trading on 1. Februar 2024, and you must intend to continue trading for at least drei Monate from the date you verify your information.
  5. Bankverbindung: You must provide confirmation of your business bank details, including a bank header from the last 3 Monate.
  6. Rates Compliance: Compliance will be verified by the Rates Department in the Local Authority. Businesses with approved performing payment plans may be deemed compliant.
  7. Tax Compliance: Your business must be tax compliant and possess a valid Tax Registration Number (TRN).
  8. Property Entry Levy (PEL): If your business operated from a property subject to a Property Entry Levy (PEL) in 2023, you are eligible to receive the grant based on the annualized (grossed-up) value of the PEL bill issued for that property.
  9. Freie Immobilien: Vacant properties do nicht qualifizieren.

Please be aware that your local authority reserves the right to reclaim any grant payment found to be incorrect. This includes cases of error by the recipient business or the local authority making the payment, or where a business provides false eligibility declarations.


How can I register for the Grant?

Businesses are encouraged to use the ICOB portal, accessible via To complete your application, make sure you have the following information:

  1. Council Customer Number and PIN: You will need to provide your council customer number along with the associated PIN. You would have received these in a letter from your local authority.
  2. LAID Number: This number is available on your Rate Bill.
  3. Legal Business Name: Your business’s official legal name.
  4. Immobilien-Adresse: Include your property address along with the Eircode.
  5. E-Mail-Adresse: Provide a valid email address.
  6. Telefonnummer: This may be used to validate your bank account details.
  7. Bank Header: A statement showing your bank account details, company or individual name, and date within the last three months.
  8. Tax Registration Number (TRN): Ensure you have a valid TRN.
  9. Steuerabzugsbescheinigung: Depending on the grant value, a tax clearance certificate may be requested.
  10. Mitarbeiterzahl: The number of employees you employ (for statistical purposes, not grant validation).
  11. Self-Declaration:
    • Your business is tax compliant.
    • Your business has been commercially operating in 2024, trading since February 1, 2024, and intends to continue trading for at least 3 months following the submission of the self-declaration.

The Portal will be the most efficient mechanism in which to avail of the grant but if you need assistance in relation to the grant, please contact your Rates team.

Can I register per Business Property?

Businesses can register per property within their local authority area. However, each property must meet the specified criteria to qualify for the grant.

How do I register if I have Business Properties in different local authorities?

If your business owns multiple properties in separate local authorities, you should register with the specific local authority where you pay rates for each individual property. Each property must meet the qualifying criteria to be eligible for the grant.

Was ist der Einsendeschluss?

The deadline for businesses to confirm eligibility and upload verification details is May 1, 2024. The portal for this process will be accessible starting from March 14, 2024. Prompt registration will expedite your payment, which will commence late April, 2024.


When will I receive my Grant?

After you have submitted your grant application, your local authority kindly requests your patience as they review and validate submissions across the county.

Can I appeal the decision?

If your business’s grant application is denied, you have the option to appeal. To do so, submit a written appeal to your local authority within 7 Tage of receiving the notification.

Wo kann ich weitere Informationen erfahren?

Allgemeine Anfragen zum Programm können per E-Mail an das örtliche Unternehmensbüro Kilkenny gerichtet werden oder telefonisch unter 056 7752662.

Wenn Sie Fragen zu Ihrem Gewerbetarifkonto einschließlich ausstehender Beträge haben, wenden Sie sich per E-Mail an das Tarifteam des Kilkenny County Council oder telefonisch unter 056 7794209. Das Tarifteam bespricht gerne alle ausstehenden Beträge Ihrer Tarife und welche Schritte unternommen werden können, um die Einhaltung der Regelung sicherzustellen.


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